Even as a young child, I was fascinated by the outdoors and would spend hours on the beach, searching for treasure, shells and creatures in rock pools. Looking back at photos of me as a child, I could see that I was always destined to work in the outdoors, I just didn’t know how those experiences would change my life forever.
For the past 13 years, I’ve worked as an outdoor education instructor which has been the most incredible job and one mini me would have been proud of. However, over the years of instructing, the magic of looking into the glistening water for treasure, creatures and shells has been polluted and warped by the amount of litter, mostly plastics, I often find on huge scales.
The reality of this, has hit me hard and over the years, I’ve spent hours and hours doing beach cleans and litter picks but with the sinking feeling that the next day it would return.
By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean
than fish.
It’s hard to see the images of animals and places we love being choked by plastic and often leaves us wondering what we can do to make a difference?!
But… with incredible people everyday showing us we can make a difference, I can hand on heart say ANYTHING, anything we can do will make a difference. It could be a beach clean, saying no to a carrier bag or plastic fork, reusing as much as we can, up-cycling and more. There are so many things that will make a difference. One of the biggest changes we can do is to find alternatives to plastic covered products. That way, we aren’t fuelling the fire for more to be produced.
I’m so proud to be able to bring you alternative products to the ones we use everyday and as many more companies change to plastic free alternatives; we can all step forward together. Can you picture it? I can and I know that the child in me and in all of us will be thankful we started today.
Click the links below to see products for your adventures, that are plastic free, natural and kind to our environment.